Leonid Churilov
The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Improving the Transition of Care of Inpatients with Type 2 Diabetes (#264)
2:00 PM
Felicity Pyrlis
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Therapy of type 2 diabetes
Prevalence of diabetes amongst patients hospitalised with decompensated heart failure and their outcomes (#8)
9:45 AM
Kaylyn Khoo
ADS Clinical Orals - Epidemiology & Cardiovascular Complications
The Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and its Association with Stroke Inpatient Outcomes (#7)
9:30 AM
Jeremy Lew
ADS Clinical Orals - Epidemiology & Cardiovascular Complications
Are the diagnoses of diabetes and sarcopenia associated with patients' progress in inpatient rehabilitation? A systematic literature review (#254)
2:00 PM
Irina Churilov
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Type 2 Diabetes (general)