Richard MacIsaac
St Vincent's Hospital, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Richard MacIsaac is professor and director of Endocrinology and Diabetes at St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne. Prior to taking up his current position he was head of diabetes at Austin Health. His main research interest is diabetes and its complications, especially those related to cardiovascular and kidney disease. He has published over 170 research articles. Prior to embarking in a career in medicine, he completed a PhD at the Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne where he examined the development of the foetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and then embarked on a 2-year post doctorial fellowship at St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne examining foetal calcium metabolism. He graduated from the University of Melbourne’s Medical School in 1995 and was awarded his fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2002. Currently specific research interests are inpatient glycaemic control, defining the albuminuria and glomerular filtration rate relationship in diabetes, investigating new biomarkers for renal and vascular disease in diabetes and studying renal function in indigenous Australians.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Why and How We Developed Consensus Guidelines for Diabetes management in Cancer Patients (#115)
2:00 PM
Kathleen Steele
ADEA Oral Presentations - Quality Improvement and Service Delivery
Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels and decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in patients with diabetes (#31)
11:15 AM
Richard MacIsaac
ADS Clinical Orals - Renal & Foot Complications
Mixed Meal Testing: Effective Clinical Tool or Outdated Investigation? (#244)
2:00 PM
Stephanie Bond
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Nutrition
The Effect Of Salt Versus Placebo Supplementation On Haematocrit Levels In Type Two Diabetes Mellitus (#321)
2:00 PM
Adrian Michalopoulos
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Diabetes Complications (general)
A Comparison of Glycaemic Control in Adults and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes When Using a Closed Loop Insulin Delivery System Overnight Versus Sensor-Augmented Pump With Low Glucose Suspend At Home: A Randomised Crossover Study (#159)
9:00 AM
Amin Sharifi
ADS Clinical Orals - Type 1 Diabetes
Suboptimal overnight glucose control behaviours common in adults with Type 1 diabetes: An assessment tool and need for education. (#230)
2:00 PM
Alicia J Jenkins
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Type 1 Diabetes (general)
A comparison of GP and specialist diabetes clinic based adult Type 1 diabetes glucose self-care and control. (#236)
2:00 PM
Gary Kilov
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Therapy of type 1 diabetes
Targeting the C5a-C5aR1 Signalling Axis in Diabetic Nephropathy (#13)
9:00 AM
Melinda T Coughlan
ADS Basic Orals - Diabetes Complications
Are the diagnoses of diabetes and sarcopenia associated with patients' progress in inpatient rehabilitation? A systematic literature review (#254)
2:00 PM
Irina Churilov
ADS Clinical Poster Session - Type 2 Diabetes (general)
Evolving strategies for the detection, monitoring and management of diabetic kidney disease (#158)
10:30 AM
Richard MacIsaac
ADS Basic & Clinical Symposium: Diabetic kidney disease – from bench to bedside