How to run telemedicine in your diabetes clinic — ASN Events

How to run telemedicine in your diabetes clinic (#27)

Sheila J Cook 1 , Shayne Stenhouse 2 , Carolyn(Carrie) Bourke 2
  1. The University of Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
  2. Telehealth Services, Toowoomba Hospital, Toowoomba , Queensland, Australia

Telehealth has become the new frontier of outreach and rural services in Australia, but not all diabetes clinics have embraced this new technology.  Despite the provision of MBS item numbers to support the uptake of this form of virtual care, the barriers to its implementation can appear overwhelming to busy clinicians.  This presentation will discuss successful strategies to build sustainable, satisfying and patient-centred telehealth clinics.

  1. Kenealy TW, Parsons MJ, Rouse AP, Doughty RN, Sheridan NF, Hindmarsh JK, Masson SC, Rea HH. Telecare for diabetes, CHF or COPD: effect on quality of life, hospital use and costs. A randomised controlled trial and qualitative evaluation. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 13;10(3)
  2. Jalil S, Myers T, Atkinson I. A meta-synthesis of behavioral outcomes from telemedicine clinical trials for type 2 diabetes and the Clinical User-Experience Evaluation (CUE). J Med Syst. 2015 Mar;39(3):28
  3. Fatehi F, Martin-Khan M, Smith AC, Russell AW, Gray LC. Patient satisfaction with video teleconsultation in a virtual diabetes outreach clinic. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2015 Jan;17(1):43-8