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FreeStyle Libre T1DM Clinical Outcomes Trial Results (IMPACT)
Speaker: Dr Julia Mader
IMPACT is a randomised controlled study to evaluate the impact of Flash Glucose Monitoring on hypoglycaemia in well-controlled type 1 diabetes. Especially in patients with good glycaemic control there is a relevant risk of hypoglycaemia increasing the burden of disease. IMPACT is a 6-month, prospective, open, multicentre, randomised, controlled, two-arm study, which enrolled 241 adult patients with type 1 diabetes from 22 sites across Europe (Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands). The intervention group used sensor glucose data obtained by Flash Glucose Monitoring, whereas the control group used capillary fingerstick measurements for self-management of blood glucose. At 6 months, time in hypo-and hyperglycaemia was significantly reduced in the intervention group with similar A1c between groups. Patients in the intervention additionally reported an improvement in quality of life and treatment satisfaction. In this breakfast symposium, Dr. Julia Mader from the Medical University of Graz, Austria, will present the results of IMPACT, and also share global Flash Glucose Monitoring clinical use cases as part of the trial.
Visit the ADS ADEA Conference website for more detail- http://ads-adea.org.au/industry-trade-breakfast-symposia/