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Bridging the pharmacological treatment gap in obesity management
Speakers: Dr Arya M. Sharma, Dr Sarah Glastras, Dr Georgia Rigas and Dr Gary Kilov
Modest sustained weight loss of 5-10% is clinically meaningful and offers beneficial effects on cardiovascular and metabolic status, and improved quality of life. However, despite achieving modest weight loss by lifestyle interventions alone most patients are unable to sustain such weight loss. Typical long-term weight-loss seen with lifestyle interventions alone is in the 3-5% range. On the other end of the spectrum patients requiring sustainable weight loss of 15% or greater, may need to consider bariatric surgery. This leaves a wide ‘therapeutic gap’ for patients requiring sustainable weight-loss in the 5-15% range, which lies beyond what can be generally achieved with lifestyle intervention alone but well below the degree of weight loss that would suggest the need for surgery. Pharmacological options that may help bridge this gap remain sparse. While a number of weight loss medications have shown potential over the years, only two have been available for use in Australia. Liraglutide 3.0 mg is one such pharmacological option recently approved for chronic weight management in Australia that may help address this therapeutic gap.
The first session will provide an overview of the benefits of 5-10% weight loss, the physiological barriers in maintaining weight loss, and introduce liraglutide 3.0 mg as a therapeutic option for sustainable weight loss1. In the second session, clinical application and experience with liralgutide 3.0 mg will be discussed via the presentation of three case studies.
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