Terri Allen
BakerIDI Institute, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Assoc Professor Terri Allen is a Research Fellow and Laboratory Head of the Diabetic Atherosclerosis Lab at the BakerIDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne.
Her main interests include studying diabetic complications in animal models in particular atherosclerosis and nephropathy. She supervisors post docs, honours students and animal technicians. She is a former member of the ADS council and was the Head of the Program committee for 2 years. She is currently involved on the Assigners academy for the NHMRC as well as being on the DART review panel.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The role of vasoactive hormones in experimental diabetic nephropathy (#156)
9:30 AM
Terri J Allen
ADS Basic & Clinical Symposium: Diabetic kidney disease – from bench to bedside