Elisabeth Mathiesen
Rigshospitalet, DENMARK, Denmark

Elisabeth Mathiesen is Head of Diabetes Treatment at the Copenhagen Centre for Pregnant Women with Diabetes, working with women who have pre-gestational diabetes or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). She is also Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Copenhagen where she researches type 1 and type 2 diabetes in pregnant women, focusing on the prevention of fetal overgrowth, preeclampsia and pre-term delivery. Prof Mathiesen’s research interests include diet recommendations and the beneficial effects of strict metabolic control, and the use of insulin analogues, pumps and continuous glucose monitoring in pregnancy. She has been involved in long-term follow-up studies of women with previous GDM and their offspring, regarding the risk of developing diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Prof Mathiesen has published more than 214 scientific papers. She is a member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and a previous chair of the European Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Diabetes – Lessons Learned from Clinical Research (#176)
11:30 AM
Elisabeth Mathiesen
ADS ADIPS Novo Nordisk Skip Martin Joint Plenary Lectures