Christopher Kommatas
LanewaysLabs, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Chris is a health technology entrepreneur and advocate for Australia’s digital health startup ecosystem. He is the co-founder and Director of LanewayLabs@Agnes, Australia’s first dedicated digital health collaborative workspace in Melbourne. A native of New York City, Chris relocated to Australia in 2009 after spending 8 years in senior management roles with global pharmaceutical companies in the US and UK. During this time he gained a passion for technology whilst launching ‘world-first’ innovations in Multiple Sclerosis, Prostate Cancer and Precious Puberty in children.
Chris’ commitment and dedication to fostering collaborative health technology communities was realised in 2013, when he established StartUp HealthTech, Australia’s premier early-stage health technology network. Building a community with over 2200 members (and growing) was not easy. Done, mostly, by the ‘smell of an oily rag’ personal investment and support from select sponsors and individuals, he has experienced the ‘hard yards’ and will share experience and insight in alternate funding sources.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Digital Health: Empowering Your Future Self? (#28)
12:20 PM
Christopher Kommatas
NADC Symposium: Show us the money! Finding funding where there seems none to be found