Modern Pedorthics saves limbs and keeps you on your toes. — ASN Events

Modern Pedorthics saves limbs and keeps you on your toes. (#333)

Ernie Tye 1
  1. Pedorthic Association of Australia, BFS Pedorthics, Pedorthic Association of Australia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Contemporary Pedorthics has had humble beginnings. Listen to the story of how traditional bespoke shoemakers on every corner almost disappeared before a new era and quantum leap in therapeutic and medical grade footwear became a Bachelor degree in Pedorthics in Australia.

Nowadays a qualified Pedorthist is known worldwide as the profession that specialises in the safe management of feet through footwear and orthotics. Medical grade footwear is prescribed to diabetes sufferers to save limbs.  

Yet in Australia, the Podiatrist is the most well known foot practitioner. And the pedorthics is unheard of by many.

From diabetes and foot protection programs to sports and paediatrics, the pedorthist is part of the foot health management team.

This enlightening presentation will show how a profession so very old has become a clinical treatment ‘go-to’ person for practical, fashionable and therapeutic outcomes for at risk and high risk foot and ankle.

The talk is in two parts. The beginnings of Pedorthics and facts, cases and information how Pedorthics provided practical footwear answers that saved limbs.
