Informing older people with diabetes about glucose lowering medicines — ASN Events

Informing older people with diabetes about glucose lowering medicines (#117)

Trisha Dunning 1 , Sally Savage 1 , Nicole Duggan 2
  1. Deakin University/Barwon Health, Geelong, VIC, Australia
  2. Centre for Nursing and Allied Health Research, Deakin University and Barwon Health, Geelong, VIC
Background: Older people with diabetes (OPWD) and family carers often have knowledge deficits about glucose lowering medicines (GLM). Aim: Develop and evaluate GLM information specifically designed for older people with diabetes and family members. Method: A structured literature review was undertaken to guide the content of the GLM information. The information was developed using an iterative process guided by two advisory groups: an interdisciplinary health professional group (HP) and a group of OPWD with various health literacy levels. The OPWD group decided what information they wanted included and the design and layout of the information. The HP group advised about the accuracy of the content. The information was tested with community-dwelling OPWD and OPWD living in residential aged care facilities who were not part of the advisory group. Feedback was obtained in individual interviews and handwritten comments on the GLM information and in an interdisciplinary focus group of HP independent of the HP advisory group. The feedback from all sources was analysed to note key themes and issues and used to prepare the final version. Findings: Comments were received from 13 OPWD. OPWDs appreciated being able to determine the content. They indicated the information was easy to follow and ‘loved the big letters [font]’, the side bars that called out important information, the colours, and the white spaces around the text. Many handwritten comments indicated OPWD completed the risk assessment tools and the medicine list template and indicated they would discuss their risk with their HPs. They welcomed the list of ‘questions to ask HPs’ about GLMs: ‘it’s fantastic.’ Several OPWD indicated they ‘would have loved this [information] when I was diagnosed,’ and asked: ‘are HPs getting this [information]? I hope so!’ Conclusion: The GLM information meets OPWDs’ information needs and fulfils key criteria for readability, design and layout.