Geoffrey Farrell — ASN Events

Geoffrey Farrell

The Canberra Hospital/ANUMS, ACT, Australia

Geoffrey Farrell graduated in medicine from University of Tasmania in 1970, completed his MD (by research) and was awarded an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship to conduct postdoctoral research with Rudi Schmid in UCSF, before returning in 1980 to establish the Storr Liver Unit at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. In 2006, he accepted the position of Professor of Hepatic Medicine, ANU Medical School. His research concerns NAFLD/NASH, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and hepatocellular carcinoma. His published work (4 books, 2 on NASH, >220 scientific papers, ~150 reviews/chapters/editorials) is highly cited, >30 articles cited >100 times (6 more than 500 times), >15 editorialised. He has received the Distinguished Research Prize of Gastroenterological Society of Australia, Eric Susman Prize for Medical Research of RACP, delivered the inaugural Zimmerman lecture, AASLD 2002 and the Georges Brohée Medal lecture of the World Congress of Gastroenterology in 2013 and 8 other named lectures or orations.